Stories To Be Told

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You Can’t Just Keep Pointing Fingers

Oliver Rust on Why Tackling Wealth Inequality Starts with You

You Can’t Just Keep Pointing Fingers

«Jojoba for Namibia Trust» empowers women in desert areas to run their own Jojoba plantation and establish themselves as vendors of prime quality jojoba seed oil to the European cosmetics industry.

If We Don’t Change, Life Will Not Become Better

Esther Katjohange Shares How Opportunities Change Lives, Especially When Given to Women

If We Don’t Change, Life Will Not Become Better

The farmworker at ‘JOJOBA for NAMIBIA’ reflects on the transformation that the project brought to her life and how to share opportunities with others.

The Preston Model 

Community Wealth Building in Preston

The Preston Model 

What could be achieved if local politicians were brave and imaginative enough

Architecture and Inequality

Tackling Inequality through Architecture and Novels with Lesley Lokko

Architecture and Inequality

The academic in architecture and best-selling novelist Lesley Lokko has been confronted with the issue of wealth inequality throughout her whole international career.

In this episode of the Wealth Inequality Initiative Podcast, Lokko touches on how architecture can lend a hand in closing the wealth gap and how novels were her first medium to gain confidence to tell the other story about Africa that is richer than chaos and poverty.

The Three Big Questions