Our Credo
We are convinced that the wealth and opportunity gap can be bridged if we create partnerships that increase shared value for all parties involved. The Wealth Inequality Initiative promotes partnership-based collaborations where the disadvantaged and the privileged work together to mutually change the status quo.
Projects in Action
We are actively involved in projects in countries that rank among the most unequal in the world. By supporting programmes in which the privileged and underprivileged actively collaborate, we address both the economic and social dimension of inequality. All initiatives aim to develop entrepreneurial and social competencies and networks that lead to wealth redistribution, social mobility, and structural changes that break the inequality cycle.
Our Approach
Be the Opportunity Broker
The quest of tackling wealth inequality is colossal. All the more, does it require a clear roadmap to achieve significant positive impact. Our approach entails five fundamental and consecutive steps that we apply in the design and implementation of each project.
Effective measures are only successful if it is evident what they target. What does the issue of wealth inequality entail in a certain community? What has to change? We have to analyse and understand how wealth inequality concretely manifests in the specific context in question.
Who are the stakeholders in the targeted community? Who is disadvantaged? Who is privileged? And who can act as a vital facilitator? According to the specific context, we distinguish the different stakeholders by including them in a partnership at eye level.
At this point, we need to expose the elephant in the room.
What is the motivation that brings these groups together? What are their needs? What do they want to change? By building a rationale, we state the needs and inspirations behind the desired change.
Based on the acquired rationale, the Julius Baer Foundation can actively facilitate an exchange between the disadvantaged and the privileged by negotiating a common approach. As an opportunity broker, we build bridges between the parties involved by sharing our expertise and network. We can actively contribute to the three fundamental equalisers: knowledge transfer, personality development, and access to technology through our resources.
The final step is the joint development of a precise action plan, including procedures and clear success measures.

We can all be the change we want to see in the world