Stories To Be Told

Find valuable insight into the topic of wealth inequality through the eyes of all stakeholders involved across the wealth spectrum. 

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The life-changing power of education

An Oxford education: Changing minds and lives

The life-changing power of education

An article by José Ignacio Cabrejos Portocarrero 

Improving Health and Creating Socioeconomic Opportunity for HIV+ Adolescents

The Story of Patrick Francis

Improving Health and Creating Socioeconomic Opportunity for HIV+ Adolescents

The Story of Patrick Francis 

The Venture Studio Revolution: Elfid Torres on the Vision Behind FUNDES, Fundamental and Trófica

Interview with Elfid Torres, CEO Fundes and Co-founder of Fundamental

The Venture Studio Revolution: Elfid Torres on the Vision Behind FUNDES, Fundamental and Trófica

Interview with Elfid Torres, CEO Fundes and Co-founder of Fundamental

A day in the community in worth more than 1,000 reports

Interview with Blanca Callejas, programme manager from Codespa in the Philippines, Ecuador, Guatemala and Nicaragua

A day in the community in worth more than 1,000 reports

Interview with Blanca Callejas, programme manager from Codespa 

A philanthropist's commitment driving change

Building connections across the wealth divide

A philanthropist's commitment driving change

Interview with Patrizia Stalder

Impact Minds 2024: Beyond Frontiers 


Impact Minds 2024: Beyond Frontiers 

With local traditions and the collaborative spirit of more than 650 participants, Impact Minds: Beyond Frontiers 2024 was inaugurated in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

If we invest in a woman, she'll invest in her household, herself and her community

With the support of the Julius Baer Foundation, Women for Women Rwanda reduces wealth inequality by supporting female micro-entrepreneurs.

If we invest in a woman, she'll invest in her household, herself and her community

With the support of the Julius Baer Foundation, Women for Women Rwanda reduces wealth inequality by supporting female micro-entrepreneurs.

Greater Social Mobility

Video produced in collaboration with COES (Centro de Conflicto y Cohesión Social)


Greater Social Mobility

Through a partnership with COES (Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social) and the Universidad Católica de Chile, they have produced a video that sheds light on social mobility and its importance both in Chile and worldwide.

Empowering young entrepreneurs


Empowering young entrepreneurs

How address challenges with diverse indigenous groups and communities and why Impact Hub is committed to entrepreneurship and youth inclusion

The Three Big Questions