Stories To Be Told

Find valuable insight into the topic of wealth inequality through the eyes of all stakeholders involved across the wealth spectrum. 

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The life-changing power of education

An Oxford education: Changing minds and lives

The life-changing power of education

An article by Deepta Sunil Valliyil 

The life-changing power of education

An Oxford education: Changing minds and lives

The life-changing power of education

An article by José Ignacio Cabrejos Portocarrero 

Improving Health and Creating Socioeconomic Opportunity for HIV+ Adolescents

The Story of Patrick Francis

Improving Health and Creating Socioeconomic Opportunity for HIV+ Adolescents

The Story of Patrick Francis 

The Venture Studio Revolution: Elfid Torres on the Vision Behind FUNDES, Fundamental and Trófica

Interview with Elfid Torres, CEO Fundes and Co-founder of Fundamental

The Venture Studio Revolution: Elfid Torres on the Vision Behind FUNDES, Fundamental and Trófica

Interview with Elfid Torres, CEO Fundes and Co-founder of Fundamental

A day in the community in worth more than 1,000 reports

Interview with Blanca Callejas, programme manager from Codespa in the Philippines, Ecuador, Guatemala and Nicaragua

A day in the community in worth more than 1,000 reports

Interview with Blanca Callejas, programme manager from Codespa 

A philanthropist's commitment driving change

Building connections across the wealth divide

A philanthropist's commitment driving change

Interview with Patrizia Stalder

Impact Minds 2024: Beyond Frontiers 


Impact Minds 2024: Beyond Frontiers 

With local traditions and the collaborative spirit of more than 650 participants, Impact Minds: Beyond Frontiers 2024 was inaugurated in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

If we invest in a woman, she'll invest in her household, herself and her community

With the support of the Julius Baer Foundation, Women for Women Rwanda reduces wealth inequality by supporting female micro-entrepreneurs.

If we invest in a woman, she'll invest in her household, herself and her community

With the support of the Julius Baer Foundation, Women for Women Rwanda reduces wealth inequality by supporting female micro-entrepreneurs.

Greater Social Mobility

Video produced in collaboration with COES (Centro de Conflicto y Cohesión Social)


Greater Social Mobility

Through a partnership with COES (Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social) and the Universidad Católica de Chile, they have produced a video that sheds light on social mobility and its importance both in Chile and worldwide.

The Three Big Questions