The life-changing power of education: José Ignacio Cabrejos Portocarrero

An Oxford education: Changing minds and lives

Access to quality education plays a significant role in overcoming the barriers to income and opportunity caused by wealth inequality. Access to elite education even more so: Education at a prestigious institution can significantly enhance social mobility by providing access to unparalleled resources, networks, and opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach. Julius Baer, together with the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust, supports postgraduate scholars from developing and emerging countries to pursue fully-funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford alongside a comprehensive programme of leadership development, long-term mentoring and networking. The ultimate objective: Empowering future leaders to create impact and opportunity for their communities and countries.

This series of articles by programme alumni aims to share their views and  insights on their experience and how the knowledge and experience they gained at Oxford and beyond has influenced their own world views and equipped them to affect positive change in the social, political or economic development of their community or country.

Picture JC

I was born and raised in Peru, a country once considered one of Latin America’s rising stars. Indeed, I was a firm believer in this ‘truth’ and a defender of the Peruvian model. Official data seemed to support my views: the country’s macroeconomic outlook couldn’t have looked better. Between 1990 and 2020, its GDP per capita (PPP) grew 296.04%. Meanwhile, poverty levels fell from 54.8% in 2001 to 20.2% in 2019. However, Peru’s collapse during COVID-19 proved me – and everyone – wrong and revealed an uncomfortable reality: the benefits of decades of economic growth had been concentrated in the hands of a few social groups. One of Latin America’s ‘shiniest stars’ quickly lost all its brightness when it became the country with the most deaths per million people due to COVID-19.

Faced with this reality, I understood that I needed to pause and reflect deeply on what had gone wrong in my country. However, my professional knowledge – up to then – had certain limits. So, after thinking it through, I concluded that studying a master’s degree at Oxford’s Latin American Centre (LAC), a top university and one that could provide me with an outside view, was one of the best ways to enhance my understanding of my country’s problems. I also realised that I needed funding for my studies – a significant amount of money I could not afford myself.

Coming from a developing country, the dream of studying at the world’s best university and living in such a historic city felt unattainable. I could never have imagined that those dreams would come true thanks to Julius Baer and the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust (WHT) Scholarship it unlocked.  

A Master’s at Oxford becomes a reality

The scholarship allowed me to accept an offer to attend a one-year-long Master of Science in Latin American Studies at the University of Oxford. This is an interdisciplinary programme that combines subjects such as economics, politics, sociology, history, etc. Throughout my year at the LAC, I gained a comprehensive view of some of Peru’s and Latin America’s main problems. The diverse classes provided me with a solid background to investigate, understand and propose innovative solutions for situations that, previously, seemed to be unsolvable. The diversity of views reflected in the LAC’s academic staff gave me a comprehensive and balanced perspective on the issues affecting the region. This orientation combined with my aim of understanding Peru’s socioeconomic problems, guided my research throughout my classes and projects. Indeed, my dissertation analysed how economic growth had not benefited the most vulnerable populations in Peru, exacerbating the already existing prominent inequalities. This disparity is particularly evident in districts and regions outside the capital city of Lima, where the advantages of economic growth are, sometimes, nowhere to be seen.

Another essential element during my studies was WHT’s Leadership Programme. Throughout my year of studies, the scholarship provided us with additional activities, classes and modules that enhanced our learning experience. The Moral Philosophy Seminars made us think about some of the main problems facing the modern world. While the Business Challenge served to increase our entrepreneurial skills and make us think ‘out of the box’ to find creative, sustainable solutions for social problems.

Being part of an amazing college, St. Edmund Hall, was without a doubt, a key part of my experience. “Teddy Hall” (as it is popularly known) is a small college with a vibrant student community. Today, I can say that some of my best friends come from Oxford, particularly from “Teddy Hall” and WHT. Even though we are sometimes thousands of kilometres and various time zones apart, our friendships are resilient and endure any type of barrier. 

What I learnt throughout my year at the LAC changed my mindset from a shareholder orientation towards a stakeholder orientation, where businesses become a driver for change and positive impact in society.

José Cabrejos

A new mindset and a role in education

Before applying for Oxford, I had worked for seven years in Peru’s private sector and my main driver had been generating profit for businesses’ shareholders. What I learnt throughout my year at the LAC changed my mindset from a shareholder orientation towards a stakeholder orientation, where businesses become a driver for change and positive impact in society. I also understood the importance of institutions and a well-functioning state apparatus; major characteristics in my country are constantly neglected by the private sector.

Following my year at Oxford, I moved to Barcelona where I pursued a second master’s degree in public policy to complement what I had learnt at the LAC. The Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) gave me a partial scholarship and, combined with my Oxford experience, reinforced my view of the importance of education as an equalizer and as a driver of social mobility.

In early August 2024, two years after leaving Peru, I returned to my homeland. Since then, I’ve been teaching at Universidad del Pacífico (one of Peru’s leading research and teaching institutions) as a way to devolve what I learnt in Oxford and Barcelona. My aim is to be a driver of social change in Peru. I consider that university education is a great platform for that, because there I can reach, impact and inspire future generations. Through my classes, I try to explain to my students the significance of education for social change and how they have an obligation for their future. Also, I emphasize to them the importance of combating poverty and inequality from different places: the State, the private sector and international organisations. As a privileged group, receiving elite-style education in Peru, they cannot be indifferent to the country’s main problems.

My aim is to be a driver of social change in Peru. I consider that university education is a great platform for that, beause there I can reach, impact and inspire future generations.

José Cabrejos

Inequality is one of Peru’s foremost challenge. Most public opinion polls underline this fact. A recent poll, for example, highlighted that more than 80% of respondents considered that inequality between rich and poor to be very serious or somewhat serious. These results should not be taken lightly. Inequality is usually considered to be one of the main reasons for democratic backsliding. Through my work in the private sector, and as a university lecturer, I am always trying to contribute to solving this problem. I also underscore to my students the crucial importance of the education they are receiving. Most of them do not come from privileged backgrounds. Their education will allow them to ‘climb’ the social ladder, and will be essential for their social mobility process. They will go on to become Peru’s new ‘elites’. Having been able to overcome their difficulties through high-quality education, they should be aware of their privilege and try to give back to the country. 

A commitment to the future

The transformative power of education is a recurring theme in my academic and professional journey, exemplifying its capacity to foster social mobility and reorient one’s professional and personal priorities as occurred in my own case. My experience reshaped my professional orientation and made me into a more socially conscious and humane professional. It demonstrated how exposure to diverse perspectives, ideas and interdisciplinary learning can equip individuals with the tools to tackle structural challenges, such as poverty and inequality, in their own communities. I would not be the person I am today without my time at Oxford. Education, therefore, as I have experienced, is a vital equalizer. It has not only opened doors for me but also inspired a firm commitment to use my acquired privileges and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to society, my country and my region of the world. I think that as privileged citizens of the world, we can help create opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds to access transformative education, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive world. It is our duty if we want to see a more just and prosperous world in the future. Let us invest in education as the foundation for social progress and social mobility: it is a responsibility we all share.

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