Through training and collaboration, we enable youth from low-income families to find formal employment and gain access to a better quality of life in Mexico.
23.684640945799, -102.99965078247
Mexican youth from low-income backgrounds face difficult barriers to enter the labour market. Tu Futuro empowers them to gain employability and break the inequality cycle.
Through the Tu Futuro project in Mexico City Forge Foundation provides training in socio-emotional competencies and technical skills to youth in their last year of high school. Complementary to their formal education, the goal of this innovative training programme is to improve the educational and labour trajectories of underserved youth and enhance their employability. Forge provides students with guidance, offers networking opportunities, and accompanies them during their job placements.
By helping them successfully transition from school to formal employment, Forge provides youth with access to a better quality of life through work, ongoing learning, and commitment to the community.
Quick facts
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Project support: 2024-2026
- Grant amount: CHF 150,00 per year
- Train youth in socio-emotional skills, digital, analytical and other skills essential to the work of the the future and to adapt to changing environments.
From a hopeless road to the future …
The barrier to access the formal economy is a serious issue for young people in Mexico. With few formal jobs available to them, many have turned to the informal sector, at best, or to criminal organisations, at worst.
… to a bridge to the labour market
Tu Futuro empowers them with the tools, confidence, guidance and networks to approach the formal labour market and forge themselves a better future.

What helped me the most so far from the ‘Tu Futuro’ program were the Mock Interviews. This resource gives you a lot of support when looking for a job, since it represents an approximation to a real interview, so that when you get to the real one you are already prepared.
Personally, I learned how to give value to all those skills that I learned at university and in the courses I took, and thus make my profile more attractive to the recruiter.
840 young people will be trained each year, learning how to prepare for interviews, recognise their strengths and weaknesses and gain clarity about their long term career goals.
The 70% of graduates who it is estimated will stay in education or find quality employment, which will contribute to increasing their family’s income and facilitating social mobility.
Forge will engage students from different socioeconomic backgrounds to work together on understanding benefits and risks of Social Media, and to jointly develop awareness campaigns to support other youth.

Developing skills to combat inequality
- In Mexico, social inequality is a deeply rooted issue that affects individuals across various social backgrounds.
- The gap between the rich and the poor is evident, with significant disparities in access to education, job opportunities, healthcare, and basic resources.
- The country’s youth unemployment rate varies between 7.5 and 8 percent, which is double the figure for the general population of working age. Additionally, the number of formal jobs available for young people has not risen in recent years.
- Tu Futuro aims to address these disparities, breaking down social barriers and promoting inclusion.
- The project will promote social cohesion, empower young people and bring about positive change in Mexican society, working towards a more equitable and just future for all.
- The support of the Julius Baer Foundation will enable Forge to scale impact to reach 2,500 young people with job placement and preparation, enhancing the project's visibility and credibility.

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