It Is Possible to Make a Huge Change for Many

Perspectives Video Series - #6

Oliver Rust is the founder and Managing Director of Namib Desert Jojoba.

Since 2017, he has been dedicating himself to Jojoba for Namibia, a farming initiative focused on upskilling female farmers to cultivate jojoba and commercialize its oil. From farming techniques to business, marketing and management skills, the process aims to turn small-scale farmers into entrepreneurs with connections to international clients within the cosmetic industry.

Esther Katjohange is a farm worker at Jojoba for Namibia. Very quickly, she learned all about jojoba crops, planting, harvesting and today she is a project coordinator. In 2022 Esther made her first trip outside Namibia, visiting partners in Zurich, Switzerland. From being financially dependent on her husband, Esther quickly managed to become totally self-sufficient, confident and able to plan a future for herself and her children.

Jojoba for Namibia is one of the ‘things that work’ to tackle wealth inequality in Namibia.

In the Perspectives series, we’ve asked wealthy and non-wealthy individuals involved in our projects for their personal view on some essential aspects of life: health, happiness, dreams... and what they have learnt through the shared work.  

Building skills for a more prosperous future and realising that your action can change many people’s lives for the better are the key learnings, say Esther and Oliver in Perspectives #6.

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Esther Katjohange

Esther Katjohange is a farm worker at Jojoba for Namibia.

Esther was born in the town of Outjo, then moved to Windhoek where she started working at the Ondekaremba travel lodge. Here she met Oliver Rust, who at that time was running the resort.  

As Oliver began to nurture the idea of developing the Namib Desert Jojoba Oil Producers (NDJ) project, Esther joined the team. She quickly learnt about jojoba farming and processing techniques. She is now building up her know-how on the special cosmetic properties of jojoba oil and acquiring the business skills she will need to develop commercial relationships with international buyers.  From being financially dependent on her husband, Esther quickly managed to become totally self-sufficient, confident and able to plan a future for herself and her children.

Oliver Rust Namibia

Oliver Rust was born in Namibia and grew up on a cattle farm. He finished his school with a Matrik certificate in 1992. Between 1992 and 1995 he completed an apprenticeship in Germany as a chef, followed by 2 years working in Switzerland in the hospitality industry.

In 1997 Oliver returned to Namibia, where he established a lodge. 

In 2011 he and his family moved to a farm in the Namib desert, establishing a small lodge there. 

Oliver founded the first plant oil production company in 2017, establishing the Jojoba for Namibia Trust later in the same year.

In 2018, together with other partners, he founded Namib Desert Oils UG, a company in Germany which aims to create a market for the plant oil produced in Namibia.

Oliver is married to Verena and they have two daughters. 

About Namib Desert Jojoba Oil Producers


See how Namib Desert Jojoba Oil Producers (NDJ) and the Julius Baer Foundation are taking a stance  to tackle wealth inequality in Namibia through upskilling and sustainable farming. 


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